
PhD and Postdoc Positions in Frankfurt/Darmstadt: Natural Science Research for Nuclear Arms Control (3 years)

illustration of scientists in lab coats crushing an oversized atomic bomb with various tools
CNTR research group is hiring a research assistant and a research associate

The Science for Nuclear Diplomacy Group is newly established at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and the Department of Physics at the Technical University of Darmstadt. It conducts research in experimental physics and computational nuclear engineering to support the nonproliferation, arms control, and disarmament of nuclear weapons. The group engages in two research areas:

  1. radiation detection of nuclear materials;
  2. simulations of the nuclear fuel cycle to design verification approaches and assess proliferation potentials.

We are looking for highly motivated researchers who seek to use their knowledge to contribute to global security and are excited to work within an interdisciplinary environment. Prerequisite is a degree in physics, or another relevant field. German skills are not required. Further details are found in the formal job advertisements for the two positions:

The applications are currently under review and a first round of interviews has been scheduled. If you have not heard from us, you may still be considered for a possible second round of interviews at a later point.

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