As a research and transfer cluster, CNTR combines basic research and academic exchange with the transfer of results into politics and society. Our researchers therefore network with the scientific community at conferences and symposia. At the same time, they contribute their expertise in dialogue with political decision-makers, in the media and in publicly accessible formats.
Here you find an overview of where our staff members have presented, discussed or been approached in the past:
- 65th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management in Portland, USA, on July 21-25, 2024. Lukas Rademacher and Malte Göttsche gave a presentation on “Forensic Measurements for Nuclear Archaeology - Trawsfynydd revisited” and on “Reconstructing nuclear histories with archives - hands-on lessons learned”.
- Una Jakob contributed to the SIPRI online introductory course for students of technical disciplines “Addressing the challenges posed by chemical and biological weapons” with presentations on about the chemical weapons prohibition and the use of chemical weapons in Syria. She delivered the lectures on May 28 and 29.
- Panel discussion “Die Bombe und Deutschland” at and organized by the University Duisburg Essen on December 7, 2023. Frank Kuhn participated as a panelist.
- Erlangen Conference 2023 “Academia engagement in multilateral export controls: Dialogue for effective approaches to implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004)”, organized by the German government in cooperation with UNODA on November 8-9, 2023. Una Jakob presented the work of the Joint Committee on the Handling of Security-Relevant Research of the German Research Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.
- Panel discussion “Biosecurity Research – Challenges in Communication between Science and Politics” at the Medical Biodefence Conference 2023, organized by the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology in Munich on October 22–25, 2023. Una Jakob participated as a panelist.
- Science · Peace · Security '23, Scientific conference at the Technical University of Darmstadt, organized by TraCe, CROSSING and FONAS on September 20–22, 2023. Christian Reuter chaired the conference and participated as chair and panelist. Niklas Schörnig participated as a panelist.
- Annual Training Programme on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, organized by Asser Institute and OPCW, Den Haag, on September 20, 2023. Una Jakob gave a presentation on “Biological Weapons, Biological Threats and Biosecurity”.
- Information evening of the Evangelische Akademie on August 30, 2023, organised by the Evanelische Akademie, Frankfurt. Niklas Schörnig gave the lecture “Militärische Drohnen - Einführung”.
- “Biorisks, Biosecurity and Biological Disarmament Conference”, organised by UNIDIR, UNODA and WHO in Geneva on July 4–5, 2023. Una Jakob moderated the panel “Monitoring and Verification for the BWC”.
- CBWNet Workshop “Great Power Competition and the Norms of the CBW Prohibition Regimes”, in Berlin on May 8–9, 2023. Una Jakob gave a presentation on the United Nations Secretary General's Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Chemical and Biological Weapons Use.
- Panel discussion “Emerging Technologies: Impact on Peace and Security?” at the conference Reimagining Peace: New Agendas for Research & Policy in Times of Conflict, organized by the Flemish Peace Institute in Brussels on May 8–9, 2023. Frank Kuhn participated as a panelist.
- Biorisk Expert Workshop “Biorisk Awareness and the Biological Weapons Convention”, organized by SIPRI in Stockholm on January 17–18, 2023. Una Jakob participated.
- Biosecurity Strategy Group of CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations). Una Jakob is a member.
- Young Deep Cuts Commission, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. Frank Kuhn is a member.
- Young Women in Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Mentorship Programme 2023-24, sponsored by the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium. Una Jakob participates as mentor.
- Meetings of the Biological Weapons Convention Working Group in Geneva in December 2023. Una Jakob participated as advisor to the German delegation.
- Meetings of the Biological Weapons Convention Working Group in Geneva in August 2023. Una Jakob participated as advisor to the German delegation.
- Policy advice for Interacademy Partnership (IAP) in 2023. Simulation of a scientific advisory body for the Biological Weapons Convention. Una Jakob participated as an expert.
- Panel discussion “Frankfurter Friedensforum” at Evangelische Akademie (in German) on the topic “Kriegstüchtig mit KI und Aufrüstung – wo bleibt die Friedenspolitik?” on June 21, 2024. Niklas Schörnig participated as a panelist.
- Panel discussion at the Federal Academic for Security Policy (Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik, BAKS) on the topic of Emerging Disruptive Technologies for arms control (in German) on May 15, 2024. Event organized by CNTR with Liska Suckau, Thomas Reinhold and Frank Kuhn.
- Webinar on verification of and compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention, organized by UNIDIR, on May 13, 2024. Una Jakob participated as a speaker.
- Panel discussion at the University Duisburg-Essen (in German) on the topic “Die Bombe und Deutschland” on December 7, 2023. Frank Kuhn participated as a panelist.
- Panel discussion at Evangelische Akademie (in German) on the topic “Militärische Drohnen - Einführung” on August 30, 2023. Niklas Schörnig participated as a panelist.
- Roundtable discussion at RWTH Aachen (in German) on the topic “Chemiewaffenverbot - Was sollte in Forschung und Lehre geschehen?” on July 12, 2023. Una Jakob participated as a panelist.
- “Rheinmetall: Das große Geld mit dem Krieg (07:05)”, Was kostet die Welt?, August 9, 2024, Interview with Frank Kuhn (in German).
- “Stationierung von US-Langstreckenwaffen in Deutschland”, hr info, July 30, 2024, Interview with Frank Kuhn (in German).
- “Friedensforscher warnen angesichts atomarer Aufrüstung (15:56)”, Deutschlandfunk, June 17, 2024, Interview with Malte Göttsche (in German).
- “Bei der nuklearen Abrüstung gibt es Forschungslücken”, Darmstädter Echo, June 14, 2024, Interview with Malte Göttsche (in German).
- “Physiker übernimmt Professur für naturwissenschaftliche Rüstungskontrolle”, FAZ, May 27, 2024, Article with Malte Göttsche (in German).
- “Rasche Raketenabwehr: Generalinspekteur treibt die Regierung zur Eile an”, Merkur, March 25, 2024, Article with Frank Kuhn (in German).
- “KI in der Konfliktprävention: Hoffnungen und Bedenken”, Indeon, March 18, 2024, Article with Thomas Reinhold (in German).
- “Bundeswehr bestellt Flugabwehr-Panzer aus Kasseler Werk”, Hessenschau, February 29, 2024, Article with Niklas Schörnig (in German).
- “Nato-Antwort auf Putins Luftangriffe – Experten befürchten einen Schnellschuss”, Frankfurter Rundschau, February 12, 2024, Article with Frank Kuhn (in German).
- “Kampferprobt - Rüstungsgüter und moralisches Dilemma”, Deutschlandfunk, February 8, 2024, Podcast with Niklas Schörnig (in German).
- “Autonome Waffen oder nützliche Helfer – was dürfen Roboter?”, ARTE Saloon Der Livetalk, November 11, 2023, livetalk with Niklas Schörnig (in German).
- “Wie Naturwissenschaftler bei der Rüstungskontrolle helfen können”, FAZ, October 10, 2023, Interview with Christopher Daase (in German).
- “Russland startet Mondmission”, SRF, Oktober 8, 2023, Interview with Niklas Schörnig (in German).
- “Vier Milliarden für Raketen-Abwehr: Deutschland kauft neues Waffensystem in Israel”, WDR 5 Echo des Tages, August 17, 2023, Interview with Frank Kuhn (in German).
- “Russische Bedrohung: Welche militärischen Signale von Air Defender 2023 ausgehen”, SWR Aktuell im Gespräch, June 12, 2023, Interview with Niklas Schörnig (in German).
- “Muskelspiel in der Luft: Das Großmanöver Air Defender”, hr Info Der Tag, June 12, 2023, Podcast with Niklas Schörnig (in German).
- “Gute Waffen, schlechte Waffen? Der Imagewandel der deutschen Rüstungsindustrie”, hr Info Der Tag, January 30, 2023, Podcast with Niklas Schörnig (in German).
CNTR is present in Frankfurt am Main as well as in political Berlin. Are you looking for experts for interviews, events or background discussions? We will be happy to put you in touch with our researchers.
Laura Bannan-Fischer
Knowledge Transfer Officer
- PRIF (Berlin Office)
- bannan-fischer(at)prif.org
- Go to website
- @laura_ban_fis