Biology and Biotechnology

Biological weapons are prohibited comprehensively and nearly universally by the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). However, the provisions of the treaty lack possibilities for verification, and the Russian disinformation campaign regarding alleged US and Ukrainian biological weapons activities poses additional challenges for the BTWC regime. Given their dual-use nature, a number of scientific and technological developments in biology and biotechnology harbor the potential for misuse; at the same time, they can be used to identify possible verification measures and strengthen the treaty regime as a whole.

General information about our research

Publications, News and Events

Fourth open-access publication in the Fact Sheet series is online

CNTR Fact Sheet by Kadri Reis

Leopoldina debate with Una Jakob

Head of CNTR's research group “Chemical and Biological Weapons Control” supports the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations

Workshop at PRIF with Participants from Research and Practice

Article by Una Jakob (in German)

Scientific conference at TU Darmstadt with Christian Reuter and Niklas Schörnig

Chapter in the SIPRI Yearbook 2023 by Una Jakob and Filippa Lentzos

PRIF Blog by Una Jakob

Chapter in the Research Handbook on Arms Control Law by Una Jakob

Chapter in the SIPRI Yearbook 2022 by Una Jakob and Filippa Lentzos

PRIF Blog by Una Jakob, Gunnar Jeremias, Alexander Kelle, Thilo Marauhn, Oliver Meier, Kathryn Nixdorff, Ralf Trapp and Barry de Vries

Project partners