
Disarmament and arms control without verification is possible in principle, but it requires many preconditions. Especially where there is little trust between state actors, clearly formulated and accepted verification measures are an important way of stabilizing relations and reducing the risk of war. Modern technologies can play an important supporting role here, for example, when unmanned systems allow inspectors to “access” hard-to-reach or dangerous terrain, or when AI examines large amounts of data for irregularities. One of CNTR’s goals is therefore to develop creative ideas on how new technologies can advance arms control.

General information about our research

Publications, News and Events

PhD and postdoctoral positions in Darmstadt and Frankfurt

Deep Dive Forum at the 2024 Berlin Science Week with Niklas Schörnig, Laura Bannan-Fischer and Fabian Unruh

Article by Frank Kuhn

CNTR research group is hiring a research assistant and a research associate

Workshop at PRIF with Participants from Research and Practice

Article by Una Jakob (in German)

Study by Jana Baldus, Christopher Daase, Anna-Katharina Ferl, Una Jakob, Daniel Lambach, Tobias Lehmann, Clara Perras, Elisabeth Hoffberger-Pippan, Thomas Reinhold, Hans-Joachim Schmidt, Niklas Schörnig, Maximilian Tkocz and Simone Wisotzki (in German)

Chapter in the Peace Report by Christopher Daase, Jonas J. Driedger, Kristoffer Burck, Caroline Fehl, Simone Wisotzki, Samuel Forsythe, Sascha Hach, Una Jakob, Niklas Schörnig and Daniel Lambach (in German)

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