
Disciplines of Peace and Conflict Research in Dialog: Synergies, Similarities and Differences with Scientific-Technical Peace Research

TU Darmstadt
Header of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies
55th Colloquium of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies

Scientific and techno­logical peace research emerged in the course of the East-West conflict in connec­tion with the risks of deve­loping and prolife­rating nuclear weapons and has been institutio­nalized at research insti­tutes and univer­sities in Germany since the 1980s. Since then, scien­tists have been resear­ching the possible nega­tive conse­quences of new techno­logies, the limi­tation of research and inno­vation to peace­ful goals and the prolife­ration-­resistant design of civilian techno­logies. The aim is also to develop alter­native techno­logical concepts, for example in connec­tion with climate change and environ­mental protection. In view of the multi­tude of crises, be it with regard to interna­tional security, arms control or the climate crisis, scientific and techno­logical peace research is an important compo­nent of inter­disciplinary peace and conflict research. The colloquium, in cooperation with PRIF and the Technical University of Darmstadt, will focus on questions of discipli­narity and inter­discipli­narity, the self-image of research and policy advice, but also the joint discussion of impor­tant aspects of interna­tional security and peace policy.

Two panels are organized by CNTR:

  • Emerging Disruptive Technologies: The Trends of the day after tomorrow - a challenge for arms control? - Abdulla Korkusuz, Liska Suckau & Frank Kuhn
  • Chances and Risks of AI for Arms Control - Thomas Reinhold & Niklas Schörnig

Furthermore, CNTR researchers will participate in other panel discussions:

  • Overcoming the Myths of Cyberspace: Technical Approaches and Next Steps towards the Development of Cyber Arms Control - Thomas Reinhold
  • Warfare and weapons of war: Methods and limits of control - Liska Suckau

Here you can find the complete Call for Papers.

Click here to register.

Here you will find the preliminary conference program (as of 20.12.2023), as well as an abstract.

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