
Are you a journalist looking for experts for an interview, background discussion or as a studio guest? We will be happy to find the right interview partners for you.


Elisabeth Waczek

Knowledge Transfer Officer

Laura Bannan-Fischer

Knowledge Transfer Officer

Liska Suckau as a guest at Women in International Security WIIS Germany

A white symbol of headphones and a microphone on grey-blue background. Inside of a pink bubble "#011" is written.
PRIF Talk Podcast with Una Jakob and Malte Göttsche

The picture shows the process of DNA synthesis. In the middle is a gray, open box, which is the DNA synthesizer. On the left is a gray tablet connected by a cable into which the sequence inputs can be inserted. The top left corner shows the four different bases: A, T, C, and G. On the right side there is a strand of a combination of the four bases coming out of the DNA synthesizer. The text says “Synthesis of single-stranded DNA oligo output”. An arrow points to a double-stranded DNA string with complementary bases. The text next to it says “Longer and double-stranded DNA fragments are generated in later steps.”
Fourth open-access publication in the Fact Sheet series is online

Dissertation on cyber conflicts and arms control awarded

Frank Kuhn
Project coordinator of CNTR elected by the Project on Nuclear Issues of the Center for Strategic and International Studies

Project partners