
FONAS Conference with Fabian Unruh & Lukas Rademacher

Fabian Unruh & Lukas Rademacher
Lukas Rademacher elected as board member

The PhD candidates Fabian Unruh and Lukas Rademacher participated at the fall conference of the Research Association for Science, Disarmament and International Security FONAS at the University of Hamburg and gave talks about their scientific work. Both talks focussed on the research area of “Nuclear Archaeology”. The methods presented use forensic measurements in nuclear reactors or spent nuclear fuel to reconstruct the operational history of nuclear reactors and enable the assessment of the amount of produced fissile material in the respective facility. Lukas Rademacher gave insights on how the reconstruction is conducted with a special computational framework and to which extent different aspects of a complex reactor history can be reconstructed. Additionally, he introduced CNTR's Science for Nuclear Diplomacy Group to the FONAS community. Fabian Unruh focussed his presentation on spent nuclear fuel, which are uranium fuel slugs removed from the reactor, and ways in which different types of neural networks support and improve the analysis of forensic measurements. After the conference both researchers participated in the annularly general meeting as members of the FONAS association. During this meeting, Lukas Rademacher was elected as a board member.

FONAS is a German interdisziplinary reasearch association working on issues of disarmament and international peace focussing on methods from natural and engineering sciences. Each year a conference is organized by FONAS, which is either the fall conference or the Science · Peace · Security (SPS) conference. This year’s conference featured sixteen speakers and approximately 30 participants from natural as well as political sciences and civil society. The next conference will be the fourth SPS conference in Jülich.

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