
The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) prohibits chemical weapons comprehensively and nearly universally. The treaty regime, however, faces challenges posed by the use of chemical warfare agents in Syria and in assassinations as well as by the related political events, among other things. While scientific and technological chemical developments can increase the risk that the existing prohibition may be circumvented, they can also contribute to making chemical weapons control and enforcement of the prohibition more effective.

General information about our research

Publications, News and Events

Leopoldina debate with Una Jakob

Head of CNTR's research group “Chemical and Biological Weapons Control” supports the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations

Workshop at PRIF with Participants from Research and Practice

Co-Head of the research group “Chemical and Biological Weapons Control” receives most important German funding award for his work in physical-organic chemistry

Scientific conference at TU Darmstadt with Christian Reuter and Niklas Schörnig

Interdisciplinary exchange with Peter R. Schreiner in Frankfurt

Chapter in the SIPRI Yearbook 2023 by Una Jakob and Filippa Lentzos

Article by Kristoffer Burck, Una Jakob, Gunnar Jeremias, Alexander Kelle, Thilo Marauhn, Oliver Meier, Kathryn Nixdorff, Ralf Trapp & Barry de Vries

Chapter in the SIPRI Yearbook 2022 by Una Jakob and Filippa Lentzos

Project partners